Pastor's Desk


















Hi, brothers and sisters. This passage by the apostle Paul encapsulates the essence of the real identity of Christ.


He came to this earth as a baby born in a barn. Well, you would expect to see sheep in a barn, and He was the Lamb of God. He was wrapped in swaddling strips of rags to be cradled in a feeding trough where grain was given to feed the animals. He is the grain of wheat and fell from heaven and was placed in the feeding trough, the bread of life. The lamb of God was born in a barn. Where else would you expect a lamb to be born? The inn rejected him and this rejection became our blessing. As He was wrapped in rags, we are wrapped in His robe of Righteousness.


The lamb born in a barn said, as he grew up, unless you drink my blood and eat my body you will have no part with me. (John 6:48-58)


He came to serve as a servant, to give His life as a ransom for many. Are you a servant? Are you blessed? Jesus came as a lamb at His first coming. He will come the second time as King of Kings and Lord of Lords.


God be with you all, I pray you have a wonderful Christmas with your families. Together we can look forward to a new year expecting God's best.


Pastor Rocky Gale and Chris.


Welcome to the Cottonwood Seventh-day Adventist Church.  You are cordially invited to attend our church.  It is our desire to help you grow in your relationship with Jesus Christ.

   I am Rocky Gale, pastor.  You are welcome to call the church office and schedule an appointment to speak with myself, one of the elders or other officers of the church.   Church Office 928:  634-2821

  May God bless you in your walk with the Lord Jesus Christ.

   Pastor Rocky Gale



   The Cottonwood Seventh-day Adventist Church is pleased to introduce our new pastor

to the community.  Pastor Rocky Gale  came to us from Oregon when he came out of

retirement in Oakland, Oregon.

    His mission is to introduce men and women to Jesus Christ to be ready to meet

Jesus at His soon coming.   You are welcome to call the church office at 928 634 2821

and make an appointment to meet Pastor Rocky Gale.  Visit the church Saturdays

9:30 am for bible study and morning worship starting at 11:00 am.  The church is

located at the corner of Mingus and Willard in Cottonwood. 

    Pastor Rocky Gale and his wife, Christine met while he was on leave from the army.

He was born in Brattleboro, Vermont.  The Gale’s have two children.